Organized in cooperation with the American Space Foundation, under the theme, "Building Future Innovators," the symposium aimed to discuss and exchange views and knowledge about the latest trends in space technology and sciences and the relevant industries.
The event brought together a host of prominent experts in space sciences and relevant industries, astronauts, representatives of several ICESCO Member States' Ministries of Science and Technology, in addition to researchers and entrepreneurs from the Islamic world and beyond.
Opening the event, ICESCO Director General Salim Al Malik said that space sciences contribute in helping human societies overcome major challenges, adding that information derived from technological applications is highly beneficial for improving the quality of human life, especially in the fields of agriculture, development of new energy sources, waste recycling or environmental protection.
For her part, Chief Operating Officer at the Space Foundation Shelli Brunswick underlined the importance of innovation and investment in this field, which has become essential in everyday life.
The event, which includes three working sessions and two round-table meetings, also aims to promote the Islamic world’s embrace of this field by setting up space programs and capitalizing on space technology in the fields of education, science and innovation.