In a statement issued Friday, the President of the Arab Parliament Adel bin Abderrahman Al Assoumi, said that the organization of this special and emergency session was decided "based on the responsibility of the Arab Parliament which will provide its support and solidarity to Morocco that faces this crisis in which the European Parliament has unjustifiably intruded."
Before the adoption of the said resolution, the Arab parliament had asked its European counterpart to refrain from any intervention in this crisis that must be resolved in a bilateral context, between Morocco and Spain, he added, pointing out that "the obstinacy of the European Parliament to move forward in its provocative positions on Arab issues, in addition to the last resolution, rejected en bloc, now requires a serious Arab action."
The Arab Parliament had condemned the resolution adopted by the European Parliament against Morocco, which contains senseless and unfounded criticism of the Kingdom's policies on illegal immigration.
In a statement, the Arab parliament criticized the European Parliament's position and its obstinacy to interfere in a bilateral crisis, which can be resolved using diplomatic means and direct bilateral negotiations between Morocco and Spain, ignoring the voices of reason and wisdom, including that of the Arab Parliament, which urged it to refrain from unwarranted meddling in this bilateral crisis.