Hailing the "expertise, generosity and voluntarism" of a team of French scientists (Andre Bonnal, Gilles Texier and Edouard Pottier), living in Essaouira and who have worked for years on this "Souiri legacy" of the Saadian period, the Advisor to HM the King highlighted "the exceptional quality and size of the remains of the sugar factory Ida Ougard, impressive remains and bearing the seal of Ahmed El Mansour Eddahbi who had chosen to make Morocco one of the leading countries in the world of sugar production at that time".
After the eradication everywhere else, from the Iberian Peninsula to Latin America, of any physical trace of this industry, the Saadian sugar factory in Essaouira is now "the only site in the world of a food and industrial sector that had known its golden age in the 16th century," said Azoulay who wad speaking at a day of consultation in the city of Essaouira, on the development of this site, organized by "Essaouira Innovation LAB" in the presence of the provincial governor, Adil El Maliki and an array of experts and actors from various backgrounds.
"It will be another space, another testimony to add to the very rich palette of the heritage repertoire of Essaouira in the process of becoming an essential reference space for an exhaustive reading of the history of humanity since the period of Homo-Sapiens with the discovery of the Bizmoune cave, dated 150,000 years ago, which has not finished to deliver us its treasures and its teachings", concluded the Advisor of His Majesty the King.