"The crisis in the energy sector, which is part of a particularly difficult situation marked by climatic upheavals and by the health crisis, intensifies vulnerabilities and inequalities", observed the diplomat, during a webinar on energy transition.
These global phenomena require global strategies, he pointed out, noting that Morocco, which is aware of these issues, has placed sustainable development at the heart of its priorities at the economic, social and environmental levels.
The Kingdom has, in this regard, adopted a relevant strategy based on clean sources, energy efficiency and regional integration, stressed Mr. Balla, noting that Morocco was thus able to become an African leader in the field in very few years.
The reforms undertaken by the Kingdom have also made it possible to improve the business climate and attract private and public investments and create jobs, the diplomat said.
The country, which has ambitious objectives, seeks to increase the contribution of renewable energy to the energy mix to 80% by 2050 and 70% by 2040, he said, adding that Morocco has a hydroelectric potential estimated at 3,8 GW, with a wind operating volume of 25 GW, and a huge solar capacity of 20 GW.
Geographical proximity to the European continent, efficient renewable energy production plants and low electricity production costs make Morocco "a strong potential player in the production of green hydrogen, which could be exported to Europe", said Mr. Balla, noting that "the Kingdom could thus contribute to the creation of an integrated energy system between the two shores of the Mediterranean".