In the feature fiction film competition, Morocco is represented by "Life Suits Me Well" by director Al Hadi Ulad Mohand (Morocco, France), while "Suspended Wives" by Merieme Addou (Morocco, France, Qatar) is competing in the feature documentary category, a statement from the organizers said.
"Ashes" by Mustapha Farmati (Morocco) and "Tender Threads" by Ouijdane Khallid (Morocco) are competing in the short film category, according to the same source.
The 12th MAFF's line-up will comprise 56 films (31 features and 25 shorts), produced by 14 different Arab countries, with co-production with 10 Western countries.
MAFF founder and president Mouhamad Keblawi said he is "proud" of the program's diversity this edition, which is returning physically after two editions were held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Malmö is returning to be an annual meeting point, where Arab filmmakers meet their counterparts from Sweden and the Nordic countries, forming a unique window for cooperation between the two sides," he was quoted as saying.
The program comprises the feature fiction films competition (12 films), feature documentary competition (eight films), the short film competition (25 films), four films in the Arabian Nights program, four films in a special screening program, Films Worth Watching, and two films in School screenings, in addition to two films in Gala screenings of opening and closing nights.
"Daughters of Abdulrahman" by Jordanian filmmaker Zaid Abu Hamdan has been revealed as the opening film, while ‘Hamel El Lakab’ by Egyptian director Hisham Fathy will be screened at the closing.