Sekkouri, who chaired a national meeting devoted to the progress of the implementation of the various components of the program "Awrach", reported a participation rate of women around 40% of beneficiaries, and a deployment of the program throughout the country.
As for the number of associations trained in Awrach process, they have reached nearly 1,800, he said. "We are pleased with the progress of this program which is a fine example of success."
This meeting, which was attended by all components of the Ministry that directly supervise the monitoring and implementation of the Awrach program at the regional and provincial levels, was also an opportunity for Mr. Sekkouri to stress the importance of this program and reiterate the government's concern to make it a success, given the general context of its implementation.
He said that the governance of the program and its optimal monitoring is the main approach to ensure the achievement of the desired objectives.