Signed by Minister of Industry and Trade, Ryad Mezzour and Ambassador of the Republic of China to Morocco, Li Changlin, this agreement aims to simplify procedures for strengthening trade relations to promote economic cooperation between the two parties.
In a statement to the press on this occasion, Mezzour said that the signing of this memorandum of understanding, which is part of the promotion of trade between the Kingdom and the Republic of China, is a first step for the establishment of a working group responsible for simplifying procedures for facilitating access to goods.
This is a team composed of experts, both from the public and private sector, said the minister, stressing that the goal is to deepen this relationship and further exploit the potential for commercial growth of both countries.
Through this initiative, he added, the two parties are committed to strengthening both the attractiveness of Chinese investment in Morocco and the implementation of Moroccan projects in this country considered a global economic power.
For his part, Changlin said he was proud of the signing of this agreement, highlighting the "upward momentum" of Chinese-Moroccan relations noted in recent years.
The volume of trade between the two countries has increased remarkably, he said, thanking, at the same time, all the teams of the Department of Commerce for the support provided to Chinese companies recently settled on the national territory.