Lekjaa, who chaired the opening of a high-level workshop on "the performance program of the public sector: ENNAJAA", reviewed the various reforms carried out by the Kingdom in accordance with the new recommendations of the New Development Model (NMD) and in line with the implementation agenda of the royal social protection project.
The official noted the importance of introducing the three-year logic in the programming and to place it in its context, highlighting its benefits especially in terms of managing contingencies and control of the macroeconomic framework, as well as in terms of monitoring performance by allowing budget management in a three-year perspective.
Referring to the relationship between the variation and control of programming and investment programs, Lekjaa recalled the various actions initiated for the establishment of a three-year programming framework.
Speaking on the same occasion, the Director of the World Bank's Department of Maghreb and Malta, Middle East and North Africa, Jesko Hentschel, presented "ENNAJAA", a program to support administrative reforms in the public sector, based on three main areas, namely the efficiency of public spending, revenue collection and digitization of public administration.
Hentschel said that the program advocates that spending must take into account the preservation of the environment and the reduction of gender inequality through support for gender budgeting.