Speaking on this occasion, the Minister said that the financial inclusion issue has always been at the center of the government's concerns, as an essential axis to develop the Moroccan financial sector and more broadly the development of society and the country.
Fettah also stressed that access to financial services opens up consumption, savings and investment opportunities for households, allowing them to adapt their consumption and invest in education and health to improve their living conditions.
Access to credit also allows businesses to grow, creating jobs and reducing inequalities, she said.
It also helps reduce territorial and gender inequalities, she said, noting in this sense that Morocco has included among its priorities the development and implementation of a National Strategy for Financial Inclusion, concerted and integrated, with the ambition to generalize access to financial services and tap into its potential for development.
This visit, the first by Queen Máxima to Morocco as Special Advocate, aims to promote further progress in the area of financial inclusion in Morocco in recent years.
It focuses on financial technological innovations, green and inclusive finance, and the development of digital payment systems that promote financial inclusion.
Morocco has had a National Financial Inclusion Strategy since 2019, launched in 2019 and jointly led by Bank Al-Maghrib (central bank) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which targets a financial inclusion rate of 50% by 2023 and 75% by 2030.