During the 15th annual retreat of the AU PSC, which wrapped up Monday in Tunis, the Moroccan delegation, led by Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Mohammed Arrouchi, called for strict compliance with PSC decisions and the rules and procedures in force, in particular those related to early warning, mediation and preventive diplomacy in order to reduce the risk of conflict and violence on the continent.
At the opening ceremony of this annual retreat on Saturday, the Moroccan delegation highlighted the primacy of the role of the UN Security Council and the multidimensional approach.
The Moroccan delegation recalled the primacy of the UN Security Council as the main body in charge of issues related to international security, the principle which was unanimously reiterated in the draft resolution on the financing of peacekeeping operations, discussed during this retreat and which will be examined by the UN Security Council next week in New York.
The Moroccan delegation also reiterated the importance of adopting global and multidimensional approaches that integrate and strengthen coherence between political, security and development activities in the management of crisis and conflict situations on the continent in order to effectively address the root causes of insecurity and instability, including the socio-economic challenges and the vital needs of African populations.
In addition to reviewing the PSC's working methods, this annual retreat also examined reference documents that will contribute to improving the work of the council, particularly with regard to the AU sanctions regime against unconstitutional changes of government, the PSC's engagement mechanism with African members of the UN Security Council (A3) and the AU Committee on Counter-terrorism.