In an answer to a central question at the House of Advisors, read on his behalf by Minister for Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesman, Mustapha Baitas, said that a series of reforms had been initiated through the implementation of several projects consisting of three fundamental components, including improved reception conditions, speed and quality of services, transparency and proximity to Moroccans around the world.
With regard to improving reception conditions and strengthening the consular network, Bourita noted that the Ministry had increased the number of Moroccan consular centers abroad to 59, focusing on opening new consulates in cities and regions with a large Moroccan community, with a view to bringing the administration closer to citizens living abroad and lightening the burden on existing consular centers, thereby improving the quality of services rendered.
Among the mechanisms that will be adopted to enshrine the proximity policy is the revision of the consular division to "resolve the problem in the Paris suburbs, with the opening of a Consulate General in Villemomble, as well as in Spain, with the opening of a Consulate General in Murcia, and in Canada, with the opening of a Consulate General in Toronto, and in the United States, with the establishment of a Consulate General in Miami, in addition to the reopening of the Consulates General in Benghazi and Tripoli," the Minister recalled, adding that the Ministry had adopted a policy of upgrading its premises and rationalizing their management costs.
With regard to improving the services offered to members of the Moroccan community abroad, Bourita recalled the launch on October 23, 2023 of the central consular electronic register service, which enables Moroccan citizens to carry out their administrative formalities (Passport, CIN...) and request appointments at all Moroccan diplomatic missions and consular centers, regardless of the consular center to which they belong by virtue of their permanent residence.