This participation is part of the Kingdom's commitment to international efforts to eradicate enforced disappearances, according to a press release from the Ministerial Delegation for Human Rights, which highlights Morocco as one of the four main countries behind the international initiative organizing this Congress, “The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance Initiative”, alongside Argentina, France and Samoa.
This initiative aims to encourage States to ratify the Convention and implement its provisions, as well as to foster dialogue, coordination and cooperation between various actors involved in the fight against enforced disappearances, the prosecution of perpetrators and the protection of victims' rights and their families in accordance with international standards.
Morocco's participation reiterates its firm conviction, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, of the need to combat the phenomenon of enforced disappearances and promote human rights through strengthening its legal system, in order to enshrine regional and international cooperation in promoting human rights' protection.
The Moroccan delegation will make several interventions at the congress, notably at the inaugural session, during which the Secretary General of the Ministerial Delegation for Human Rights will present two voluntary pledges made by the Kingdom as part of this initiative.
The first pledge concerns the organization in Morocco of a regional symposium aimed at strengthening the ratification and implementation of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, while the second concerns the inclusion of enforced disappearance into Moroccan criminal legislation as a independent crime and serious violation of human rights, as mentioned in the International Convention.
The Secretary General will also give a detailed presentation highlighting a similar experience of the Kingdom, in the context of its role as a leading country in the initiative for universal ratification of the Convention against Torture (CTI), at a round table themed “Making the case for universal ratification: successful strategies”, scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.
The third presentation will take place as part of the round table on “The case for ratification and implementation of the Convention: Why all States are concerned”, scheduled for January 16. During this meeting, the Kingdom's Permanent Mission in Geneva will showcase experiences of countries that have ratified the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.
Morocco's participation will conclude with Berkane's intervention at the closing session, during which she will highlight Morocco's role and commitment to ongoing support for international efforts to strengthen the protection and promotion of human rights.