At the beginning, Her Royal Highness congratulated on the accomplished work and the tangible results reached since the creation of the Foundation in 2001, before recalling the various programs wihch leads the Foundation and based on a major action: the environmental education, said a press release of the Foundation.
These include notably the programs of Clean Beaches, Air and Climate, Voluntary Carbon Offset, Eco-Business, Environmental Education, Green Key, Protection and Restoratron of the Marrakech Palme Grove, Educational trail circuit.
The success of the Clean Beaches program allowed to pass at a much vaster stadium of protection of the national coast, resulted by the International Conference of the coast of Tangier, held in October, 2010, under the High Patronage of HM the King Mohammed VI.
The recommendations of this Conference are in the course of application, as long as regards the awareness-raising in particular through the organization of the National Days of Coast, the networking of the NGO that the effective coverage of lagoons and coast wet zones, for a better care of the environmental component by all the stakeholders in the lagoon of Marchica and the Bay of Dakhla, as well as intercontinental biosphere of the Mediterranean Sea.
For the Air and Climate Program, thanks to the support of its partners, the Foundation managed of the challenge to make become aware of a shared action of all the participants to act, and so reduce strikingly the air pollution in our cities: introduction of the gazoil 50 ppm, organized by an air quality monitoring station network and launch of the eco-epidemiological study on the axis Casablanca-Mohammedia.
The expérimental phase of this important study led with the Ministry of Health in Sidi Bernoussi allowed to calibrate the program, a first quarterly balance sheet was established in mid Febrµary 2012. It allowed the collection of sanitary data and the measure of the concentration of the air in pollutants, and allowed to glue the participants, to notice the good quality of the indicators of health and a correlation between these indicators and those of pollution.
Launched for the first time in Morocco on April 23rd, 2009, by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, pursues its development in a steady way, said the press release.
Diverse actions were realized thanks to the support of the partners, in particular the plantation of 1300 palm trees date palms, in the palm grove of Marrakesh, during this year, and the solar electrification of the rural schools which concerns 86 schools and their dependences (among which 35 are belong to the program "Eco-schools").
To inform and make awareness the public, private operators and the citizens on the consequences of the greenhouse effect and its impact on the climate change, two tools were developed thanks to this program, namely CO2 Calculator, software developed by the FM6E, and dedicated to the calculation, on-line, the CO2 emissions generated by air and by car travel, the entity or the individual, and who can compensate voluntarily their CO2 emissions, and the study for the Adaptation of the Method Carbon assessment to Morocco and its validation on 3 sites (industrial, tourist and administrative) entering within the framework of an Agreement of Cooperation between the Agency of the Energy and Control of the Environment (ADEME) and the Foundation, which will constitute one of the important instruments of the FM6E for the awareness-raising of the sectors public and private on the greenhouse effect and the climate change, through the various programs set up by the Foundation in this way.
On the Eco-Business Program, which aims to encourage companies to adopt an environmental policy, knew the realization of various large-scale actions, favouring the promotion of the clean production, the eco-efficiency and the good environmental management.
Environmental Education Program, which concerns the primary school "Eco-schools", allows sitting the bases of a learning concerning tue environmental protection. Its generalization which is on the right track saw, in 2011, the label "Green Flag" granted to 18 schools. Actually, 446 schools adhered to this program.
As for the "Young Reporters for the Environment" program which has just celebrated its 10th year, it incites and encourages the high school students from 12 to 18 years old to investigate, under the supervision of their professors, into a theme about their close environment (Waste, water, energy, agricultures (farming), cities, coast, biodiversity...). To continue and develop and to register this program in the durability and the sustainability, a new convention of partnership has just been signed between the Foundation and the Ministry of National Education.
Green Key Program, which constitutes another axis of the Foundation's action, represents a good opportunity for a green tourist industry.
Wishing to get involved more in the development of a responsible tourism and to have particularly a strategy with the vision 2020 of the Tourism, the Foundation was able, with the support of the Ministry of the Tourism and the Small business sector, the Moroccan Society of the Tourist Engineering (SMIT) and the Moroccan National Office of Tourism (ONMT), to define number of orientations, such as the awareness-raising and the recognition of the actors of the tourism having set up an approach of environmental management, the awareness-raising and the education of the tourists to the good management of the resources and to consider the fragility of the ecosystems during their holidays, the promotion of rural tourism and ecotourism ...
This program of labelling becomes widespread gradually at the national level and integrates different typical of tourist establishments. The follow-up of its implementation by the Foundation is based on the realization of visits and audits by an external expertise. So, 60 establishments were certified in 2011. Besides, the Foundation accompanies the hotel establishments thanks to the on-line publishing of the portal "Green Key" of information and communication, portal intended for the people working in the tourist industry and for the general public.
Regarding the Protection and Restoration of the Marrakech Palme Grove Program, Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa chaired on December 3rd, 2011, in Marrakech, a meeting of the first phase of the realization's balance sheet of this program, which concerned the main realizations of this program as well as the axes and the strategic orientations that must accompany in the future, the protection and the development of the palm grove.
Actually, 480,935 plantations were realized on 430,000 planned initially, that is 108 %.
The strengthening of the implementation of the educational programs and the awareness-raising to the environment (Green Key Program, Eco-schools Program, Voluntary Carbon Offset Program, Realization of an educational trail circuit, implication of the local associative) aims at inculcating the culture of the protection and the conservation of the environmental resources of the palm grove, in diverse targets.
Besides, 2011 saw the realization of a study relative to the project of valuation of waste water recycled of the City of Marrakech for the irrigation of the palm grove. A project is in the course of finalization by the Marrakech's Wilaya to follow up the conclusions of the study.
As part of the Educational trail circuit, the Exotic Gardens of Bouknadel became a place convenient for the Environmental Education and the awareness-raising further to the implementation, of an educational trail circuit which help to educate the visitors in a fun way about the role of the biodiversity in the human development and on the benefits of preserving our natural heritage.
The acquired experience and the know-how presses within the framework of this pilot project having received the English International Award "Green Apple" will serve to promote the educational actions in the other spaces through the national territory.