Upon his arrival, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid was greeted by HRH Princess Lalla Amina, Chairwoman of the Royal Moroccan Equestrian Federation (FRMSE) before following from the honour stand the final stage of Morocco’s senior show jumping competition.
Afterwards, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid awarded HM King Mohammed VI show jumping Grand Prix to horseman Ahmed Darghal as well as the medals to the other winners.
On the same occasion, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid awarded HRH Crown Prince Moulay EL Hassan trophy to the winner of Morocco’s junior’s championship Yassine Bennani and the medals to the winners.
The competition was held within the framework of the 27th edition of the horse week (Semaine du Cheval), organised under the high patronage of HM King Mohammed VI from May 28 to June 24.
Darrhar was followed by Ghali Boukaa riding "Poker Des Cohues," with the bronze medal going to Ali Al Ahrach riding Atletico Van T Paradijsh.
The ceremony was notably attended by several cabinet members including Interior Minister Mohand Laenser, Youth and Sports Minister Mohammed Ouzzine, Minister delegate to the Interior Minister Cherki Draiss, and Lieutenant General Hosni Benslimane.