In the messages, HM the King extended wishes of health and wellbeing to the heads of Maghreban states and further progress and prosperity to the Maghreban peoples.
On this occasion, HM the King expressed the Kingdom’s conviction regarding the urgent need for a Maghreban Union as a strategic choice, voicing support for efforts that aim at reinvigorating the Union’s institutions with a view to meeting the aspirations of the Maghreban peoples for more integration and development.
A part from historical considerations, the Maghreb Union is now an economic, social and security imperative given the critical regional and international contexts, noted HM the King.
In this respect, the Sovereign stressed the need for promoting joint action and for holding the 7th session of the Presidency Council of the Union.
In this regard, added HM the King, the Council is called upon to take pertinent decisions with regard to elaborating a roadmap for the upcoming Maghreban action that should be geared towards making of the Maghreb Arabe Union a political pole and a strong economic regional grouping that has a say in the international arena.
Meeting this legitimate Maghreban goal requires overcoming the current stalemate that holds hostage the ambitions of current future generations, the Monarch said.
There is a need to act out of the spirit of fraternity, mutual trust and good neighbourliness in total respect for the specificities and the immutable national values of our respective countries in conformity with the spirit of the watershed treaty of Marrakech, noted the Sovereign.