In this call, Guterres sounded the alarm to face the horrific outbreak of domestic violence worldwide, exacerbated by the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
"We know that containment measures and quarantine are essential to overcome COVID-19. But they can also trap women with violent partners," said the UN Secretary-General.
Morocco, the European Union and the supporting countries are committed to mobilizing the greatest international support and rallying the political will to support the Call of the UN Secretary-General.
Thanks to this growing mobilization, in less than 24 hours, a total of 124 UN Member States responded favorably to the declaration initiated by Morocco, the European Union and the "core group". This declaration of support with the names of the 124 signatory countries has been sent to the UN Secretary General. Fifteen other countries subsequently joined the list of co-sponsors.
In this declaration, the signatories pledge to make the prevention and remedy of domestic violence a key element of national and global responses to COVID-19, and to establish a policy of zero tolerance for domestic violence.
A warm tribute was also paid to health workers, social workers, civil society organizations, as well as UN-Women and other UN agencies, for their remarkable efforts in managing this crisis.
Finally, the statement stressed that women are not just victims. They play a major role in the response to COVID-19, since almost 70% of frontline social and health workers are women.