This finding is contained in a circular of the public prosecutor at the Court of cassation, president of the public prosecutor's office, on violence against women during confinement, addressed to the first advocate-general and attorneys-general at the Court of cassation, public prosecutors at the Courts of appeal and commercial Courts of appeal and public prosecutors at the Courts of first instance and commercial Courts.
The public prosecutor's office pointed out that in the context of its vigilant monitoring of cases of violence against women, prosecutors in the Kingdom's Courts reported a total of 892 complaints relating to various types of violence against women (physical, sexual, economic, psychological, etc.) during the period in question, noting that public action had been initiated in only 148 cases, pending the completion of investigations into the remaining complaints.
"It emerges from this that the number of prosecutions for violence against women decreased during the period mentioned ten times compared to the monthly rate for this type of case (148 prosecutions compared to 1,500 per month under normal conditions)".
The president of the public prosecutor's office stressed that although it is still too early to draw clear conclusions on the level of domestic violence against women during health confinement, the available statistics - which naturally relate to cases brought before the courts - augur well for "the stability of the Moroccan family, its harmony and its desire for natural coexistence, in calm, despite the difficult circumstances that the Kingdom is currently experiencing as a result of the imperatives of the fight against Covid-19".
"This should not prevent your continued attention to these cases, for which several urgent measures have been taken so that you can be informed, and ensure better access to justice for women victims of violence," underlined the president of the public prosecutor's office.