A total of 5,085 detainees benefited from remote trials which took place in full compliance with the necessary guarantees and health measures adopted to fight the risk of the spread of Covid-19, the Council said in a press release.
These digital data, described as "very positive", highlight the efforts made by the various partners to implement remote trials as a necessary strategic choice, while ensuring a balance between the right of detainees to a fair trial and the duty of the courts to fulfill their constitutional and human rights obligations, while ensuring health measures for all, according to the same source.
Faced with the evolution of the epidemiological situation and the increase in the number of cases, national and human responsibility requires today an intensification of efforts and the mobilization of all material and human resources with strict compliance with health and preventive measures required at the level of the various justice services, noted the same source.
To this end, the Council will ensure that the remote trial project is supported and implemented while making sure that the guidelines and measures relating to the health and safety of users, professionals and staff of the various courts of the Kingdom are respected, concluded the press release.