These exceptional measures will be in effect for a renewable week as of Monday 6 pm depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation, according to a press release.
By virtue of this decision, an authorization issued by the competent authorities is mandatory to enter or exit the city and all gatherings in public spaces are banned.
Closing times of supermarkets and fast food restaurants have been set to 10 pm while classified restaurants will have to close doors at 11 pm.
Public gardens, beaches, sports fields and gyms will remain closed, the same source said, adding that local authorities have decided to reduce by half the public transport capacity (taxis and buses).
The neighborhoods that are experiencing a surge in Covid-19 cases will be closed and movement in these neighborhoods will require an exceptional authorization issued by the competent local authorities, while shops, cafes and restaurants will close at 8:00 pm and local markets at 4:00 pm.