Cambon also "hailed the continuation of the inter-Libyan dialogue led at the initiative of the Kingdom of Morocco and the results obtained," said a statement from the Senate.
After a first session in early September 2020, a second session of discussions between the delegations of the Libyan High Council of State and the Parliament of Tobruk opened on October 3 in Bouznika, Morocco. "These negotiations, led under the aegis of the Kingdom of Morocco, made it possible to make significant progress in maintaining the ceasefire and reaching a global consensus on holders of key positions. The two delegations notably committed themselves to continue negotiations to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the political crisis in Libya, the statement said.
"This dialogue, conducted thanks to the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco, gave a major impetus to pave the way for a political solution to the Libyan conflict", said Cambon.
The chairman of the friendship group called for "a rapid settlement of this conflict, crucial for the stabilization of the entire Sahel region where the French forces are involved, alongside the African forces, in the fight against terrorism," said the same source.
He lauded "the major role" played by Morocco in reaching a negotiated solution between the two parties, recalling that it is already thanks to Morocco that an agreement for a political settlement to the Libyan conflict had been reached on December 17, 2015 in Skhirat, under the UN aegis, which resulted in the creation of the Government of National Union (GNA), located in Tripoli.
"This initiative is all the more remarkable given that negotiations are taking place at parliamentary level, thus illustrating the useful and complementary role that parliamentary diplomacy can play," said the chairman of the friendship group.