El Otmani, who chaired the launch of the 18th national campaign to combat violence against women, stressed that all legal, cultural, educational, artistic and media means must be mobilized to curb this phenomenon with the involvement of all, including the civil society.
Pointing out that the will alone is not enough, the minister said that tackling this phenomenon requires promoting the values of tolerance and mutual aid along with banishing discrimination.
Violence against women is a violation of human rights and public health and social problem, he stated.
Speaking of the royal guidelines on fighting violence against women, El Otmani highlighted the process initiated in this regard under the 2011 Constitution of 2011, which banned all forms of discrimination against women and provided a solid foundation for several initiatives.
He also recalled the programs undertaken in favor of women, including the IKRAM 1 and 2 plans, the TAMKIN program and the national strategy to combat violence against women as well as the law to fight this phenomenon, whose implementing decrees were recently published.
That it is "an important Moroccan commitment that must become a culture," head of government said, calling on the National Commission on care for women victims of violence to finalize its first annual report that will highlight the efforts made by the Kingdom and identify gaps that can be corrected.
The national campaign is held this year by the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and Family under the theme "Caring for Women Victims of Violence: Together for Effective and Accessible Services in All Areas and Contexts."
It aims, in particular, to shed light on the nature of institutional services provided to women victims of violence, to make them known and highlight the efforts made by the various actors in this area.
This event that will run on until December 10 also aims to follow the aspirations and perspectives of stakeholders to make care services provided to women victims of violence accessible and efficient.