During this visit, which is part of the efforts to strengthen communication meetings with judicial and administrative officials of the various judicial services and the monitoring of the state of the buildings of the Kingdom's courts, the minister unveiled the new plate bearing the name of the Hebrew Chamber.
On this occasion, Ben Abdelkader stressed that the Hebrew judicial system was historically framed by several royal Dahirs, indicating that Morocco constitutes an exception as it is the only Arab country where Moroccan citizens belong to the Jewish religion and have their own Hebrew judicial system.
In a press statement on the sidelines of the visit, the minister added that the Hebrew judicial system in the Kingdom has undergone great development and has become specialized in matters of personal status on the basis of the law of Moses and the rules of the Talmud.
For his part, President of the Chamber and Judge-Rabbi Joseph Israel, who has been a judge in this court since 1987, indicated that this Chamber specializes in the personal status of Moroccans of Jewish faith, in particular marriage, divorce and will.
Morocco is the only country in the world which has a Hebrew Chamber and where justice is rendered on the basis of the law of Moses for Moroccans of Jewish faith, he added, noting that this situation does not not even exist in European countries.
In a similar statement, Judge Rabbi in the Hebrew Chamber, Hazout Israel, expressed his joy because of this visit which he considers an honor for the judges, stressing that the credit goes to HM King Mohammed VI. He added that the judges of the Hebrew Chamber are mobilized behind the Sovereign.