"Since its renunciation of the ceasefire and the Military Agreements, the separatist group "Polisario" has been leading, together with Algeria, a hysterical campaign aimed at misleading the international community about an alleged + armed conflict+ and alleged violations of human rights in the Moroccan Sahara”, stressed Hilale, adding that “this armed group openly calls for acts of violence against people and sabotage of civilian installations in the Moroccan Sahara”.
Highlighting the calm and stability that prevail in the Moroccan Sahara, and the total absence of any armed conflict, the diplomat noted that "the Polisario", through so-called pitiful "military communiques", taken up by only Algeria's official press agency, tries to convey the false image of an alleged "conflict" in the Moroccan Sahara. However, the reality is quite different.
The ambassador stressed that "the fictitious war of the Polisario", which maintains proven and documented connections with terrorist groups and traffickers of all kinds in the Sahelo-Saharan region, is belied by the stability on the ground, as well as by the press agencies and international television channels which have demonstrated, with supporting evidence, that the information and images published by the "polisario" are "fake" and concern other conflicts and in no way the Moroccan Sahara.
Hilale also exposed the fallacious allegations of human rights violations in the Moroccan Sahara, claimed by the "Polisario" and Algeria. “The allegations of restriction on freedom of movement in the Moroccan Sahara are completely unfounded. They clearly fall within the framework of the shameless instrumentalization of the deployment of Moroccan public authorities in the current context linked to the state of health emergency relating to the COVID-19 pandemic,” he explained, noting that "the support of the population of the Moroccan Sahara to health measures has made it possible to record the lowest figures of infection at the level of the Kingdom".
Hilale reaffirmed to the Secretary General and the 15 members of the Security Council that “the population of the Moroccan Sahara enjoys total freedom of movement as guaranteed by law, both inside and outside Morocco".
"It is this full enjoyment of this right that allows the few so-called separatist activists to travel freely to Algeria and to the Tindouf camps, where they undergo ideological indoctrination and military training. It is also the full respect for the human rights by Morocco that allows them to go abroad in order to participate in anti-Moroccan demonstrations and meetings, and to return in peace to the Moroccan Sahara,” he said, regretting that "this rule of law and these freedoms are exploited by these separatist elements in their campaign of denigration and lies, as well as in their incitement to violence against people and property".
In this context, and concerning the so-called Saultana Khaya, a separatist paid by the "Polisario" and Algeria, Mr. Hilale denounced "the staging of this person which is part of the strategy of the "Polisario" to use human rights for political ends, inculcated in its agents during their various journeys in Algeria and in the Tindouf camps, during which the latter also receive courses in the handling of weapons and ideological indoctrination and take part in military exercises of the "Polisario" militias.
He added that the so-called Saultana Khaya "is by no means a peaceful human rights activist, but a supporter of violent and even military actions. She participated in these courses and military exercises of the separatists, from January 1 to 12, 2019, during which she called for armed violence against civilians in the Moroccan Sahara”.
Pictures showing the woman in combat fatigues and wielding a Kalashnikov rifle were sent to the UN Secretary-General and members of the Security Council.
Regarding the case of the late Mohamed Salem Fahim, cowardly instrumentalised by the "Polisario" and Algeria, the Permanent Representative of Morocco explained that the deceased was the victim of a deadly road accident, which is subject to ongoing legal proceedings, in accordance with the law in force in such circumstances.
With regard to the cyclical false allegations about certain common law prisoners, including those sentenced following the events of "Gdem Izig", having in particular made in 2010 11 deaths and dozens of wounded among the police, Moroccan auxiliaries and fire-fighters, Ambassador Hilale pointed out that they are baseless and that these detainees benefit from the same rights provided for by the law, without any discrimination. He added that none of these prisoners had observed any hunger strike recently.
Mr. Hilale also shed light on the violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in the Tindouf camps in Algeria.