In a joint statement delivered under item 2 of the agenda of the 46th session of the Human Rights Council, the Institute deplored the fact that in 2021, the Council remained silent on the situation in Algeria despite concerns expressed by the Special Procedures about the extent of repression against opponents.
In this regard, the NGO recalled the case of the student Walid Nekich, victim of physical, sexual, and psychological mistreatment during his 14-month pre-trial detention. Nekich was arrested in November 2019 following his participation in a peaceful student march.
The CIHRS also denounced the campaign of harassment and persecution against human rights advocates and journalists in the course of their work.
It also referred to the trials opened in 2020 against a thousand people prosecuted for exercising their rights to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, including 63 individuals who have been prosecuted on charges of offence to the President.
The organization also noted that Amendments to the Penal Code passed in April 2020 now allow for the criminalization of free expression, assembly and association.
"The erosion of fundamental freedoms witnessed in the past year, the weaponizing of the pandemic against civil society and the ongoing criminalization of fundamental freedoms require an urgent response from the Human Rights Council," it argued.
"We urge the Office of the High Commissioner and UN Member States to call on the Algerian authorities to unconditionally release all those arbitrarily detained and to cease all judicial harassment and intimidation against activists and members of civil society, trade unions and the judiciary," the CIHRS said.