The number of girls benefiting from the Tayssir program increased from 322,694 during the 2017-2018 school year, to 936,172 in 2018-2019 and 1,118,471 in the academic year 2019-2020, according to indicators published by the ministry on the occasion of the International Women's Day.
The document, quoted in a press release by the Ministry, reports that 1,211,634 girls have benefited from the Royal initiative "one million school bags" for the year 2019-2020 against 1,097,025 in 2017-2018.
The success rate of young girls in the baccalaureate reached 77% at the national level for the year 2020, according to the same source.
The document illustrates the Ministry's resolve to develop and increase female representation among its human resources, highlighting the remarkable progress in the number of female teachers in the public sector, which totaled 118,277 in 2020 against 107,267 in 2017.
More women have been assigned to decision-making positions, with 12 women at the central level, 69 at the regional level and 32 at the provincial level, it added.
These positive indicators reflect the Ministry's ongoing efforts to promote gender equality, as well as compliance with Morocco's international commitments on gender equality and the integration of the gender approach in sectoral strategies.