"It is time for Europe to get more involved in the resolution of this conflict and to commit itself to supporting the autonomy proposal in the southern provinces presented by Morocco," the ambassador said during a teleconference organized by the Belgian institution "cercle royal gaulois artistique et littéraire".
Ameur insisted that the European Union should not have a position of negative neutrality, noting that faced with the security, migration and climate issues and the threats weighing on the region, Europe has an interest that the Maghreb overcomes the blockage and regains its unity.
"Thanks to its geographical, historical and cultural proximity, Europe is directly impacted by this conflict", noted the ambassador, saying that a growing number of voices in Europe have been recently calling on the EU to further engage itself, with a view to making headway with the resolution of this artificial dispute.
During this teleconference organized under the theme "The US recognition of the Moroccan sovereignty over Saharan provinces: meaning and scope", Ameur recalled the American decision which falls under "a perspective of peace and a logic of solution".
The American recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over its Sahara has broken the status quo and triggered a positive dynamic at the international level, said the ambassador.
Recalling the opening by several countries of consulates in the southern provinces, Ameur underlined the growing support for the Moroccan proposal of autonomy and for the territorial integrity of the Kingdom, emphasizing the need to consolidate this dynamic and support the autonomy initiative in the southern provinces under the sovereignty of Morocco, in order to break the deadlock over this issue.
The Ambassador also highlighted the Kingdom's efforts to resolve this conflict that has been running for nearly half a century and its attachment to the political process under the UN auspices.
Morocco has always expressed its good will and favored a process of "negotiation and compromise" to achieve a consensual solution to this conflict, he said.